কল্যাণী লাইফ ইনস্টিটিউট
Opposite to B-3 Playground,Near 3No Bazar, Kalyani, West Bengal
Applicant Information
Please fill out all information accurately and attach any required documents.
Applicant’s Full Name:
Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY): _______________________
Disability Diagnosis (if applicable):
National Trust Registration Number (if applicable): ____________________________
Parent/Guardian Information
Parent/Guardian’s Full Name:
Relationship to Applicant:
Contact Information:
Permanent Address:
Emergency Contact:
Educational and Support Needs
Current Educational Placement (if any):
Primary Areas of Support Needed (Please check all that apply):
Has the applicant previously attended any special education or therapy program?
Health and Medical Information
Primary Care Physician’s Name: __________________________________
Known Health Conditions: ________________________________________
Medications (if any): ____________________________________________
Allergies (if any): _______________________________________________
Any Special Medical Needs or Emergency Care Requirements:
Required Documents
(Please attach copies of the following documents)
Declaration by Parent/Guardian
I, __________________________ (Parent/Guardian’s Full Name), hereby declare that the information provided in this application form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that admission to Kalyani Life Institute is subject to the availability of resources and the Institute’s ability to meet my child’s specific needs.
Signature of Parent/Guardian: __________________________
Date: _______________________
Office Use Only
Application Received On: _______________________
Application Reviewed By: _______________________
Admission Status:
Additional Notes: